Baa Baa Sheep LLC
                                  Call us: 757-802-9229
HomeProductsDogwood Fiber Trail DFT Baa Baa Sheep Norfolk Eat, See & Do

               April 4 - 12, 2025

Mark your calendars now to join seven of Virginia’s premier yarn shops for nine days of fabulous fiber fun. Each unique shop is planning special events, trunk shows, demonstrations, kits, and displays to inspire and nurture your passion. There will be a virtual kick-off party on Thursday, April 3. Pick up a passport and visit each shop to qualify for a grand prize.

We encourage you to make your fiber trail experience more than a one or two-day road trip. Take several days with friends to explore seven diverse metropolitan areas with major attractions, historic landmarks, natural environs, and gastronomic experiences. 

Participating Shops

Center of the Yarniverse--Ashland
Dances With Wool--Midlothian
Yarn Matters--Williamsburg
Baa Baa Sheep--Norfolk
Magpie Knits--Charlottesville
Finnegan's Run--Fredericksburg
Village Knittery--Newport News
      Yarn Crawl Store Hours

Friday, April 4 - Saturday, April 12
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
including Sunday, April 6
For more information check the  Dogwood Fiber Trail
Kick-Off Zoom 
Thursday, April 3

Join us at 7:00 pm on Zoom for a preview of the crawl.  Each shop owner will highlight what's going on in their shop.  The link is posted on the James River Yarn Crawl website. 

Yes!  There is Dogwood Fiber Trail Merch and it can be yours.

Wear or carry your DFT merch into a shop and receive one extra ticket for that shop's prize basket.

Shop online here: